Now that your book formatting is ready, Kindle Direct Publishing has more questions.

Pre-Order lets you start stirring up excitement about your book. However, I have read that pre-orders do not count toward your book’s popularity rating. Pre-order can only be set for eBooks.

I tried pre-order for Members of the Cast but regretted the choice. I was alarmed by the rating issue and tried to back out of pre-order. Amazon would not let me, and I am guessing it was because there were a couple of orders ready for the release date.

I had done no announcing on Twitter or Facebook but decided to move the publication date up as close as possible. Three days later was as soon as I could get.

I wanted the paper book to be released simultaneously, so my announcement would allow folks to choose which edition they wanted. This second release was tricky because it can take as long as 72 hours for a book to go from the author clicking “Publish” to the book appearing.

My eBook had appeared in a few hours. It is possible that my book “cleared” quickly because I had been uploading my epub for a week. I uploaded the pdf for the print version and decided to click publish the day before the eBook release. Apparently, it went live at about three AM of release day morning, so it worked perfectly.

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I spent my life teaching 6th graders. We have always been involved in church. Now I spend my days in an old stone house, wandering our four acres, and writing.