Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) has Kindle Select as a marketing ploy. The idea is that you give KDP exclusive Kindle rights to distribution for 90 days. In return, you get better “positioning” in results when customers are searching for books. I signed up to have Members of the Cast be a part of Kindle Select.

I cannot complain, in that Members of the Cast seems to be selling well. I assume many of those sales result from an e-mail list I have developed over the years, Twitter, and Facebook friends. (If you have purchased and read Members of the Cast, consider leaving a review on Amazon.)

I know I have lost two sales because Members of the Cast is not available from other vendors. While this is not huge in the general scheme of things, having unhappy customers does not make me happy. I wonder if there are other potential customers who are not big Amazon fans?

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I spent my life teaching 6th graders. We have always been involved in church. Now I spend my days in an old stone house, wandering our four acres, and writing.