I have no stake in Kindle Vella. This article is to inform other writers, not to advertise an Amazon product.
One of the problems with self-publishing is getting noticed. Even if you publish with a trade house, agents ask, “What is your platform?” Putting a book on the market doesn’t do a great deal of good if no one knows about it. With millions of books published each year, what are the chances of anyone finding your book?
Kindle Vella may have exciting news for serial writers and authors of fan fiction. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) has a new publishing medium, Kindle Vella.
KDP Says:
A New Way to Tell Serial Stories
“Publish a story to Kindle Vella one short episode at a time that readers can follow, keeping up with the plot twist and turns from the Kindle app or on the web.”
To access episodes, readers will purchase Tokens and use them to unlock episodes. Authors will earn 50% of the money readers spend on the Tokens used to unlock their story episode.
To make it easy for readers to find stories they love, the first few episodes of every story are always free.
A new way to connect with readers.
Break the fourth wall and speak directly to your readers using Author Notes.
Readers can also share what they think by giving episodes they like a Thumbs Up and by using Faves to vote for a story they enjoy most each week.
50% royalty is lower than the 70% for books, and free episodes are not making you any money. However, Kindle Vella is intended to be a platform builder. If you write serials, fan fiction, or poetry, this may be a new way to gain followers. Publish under your “author name,” and any books you write will be listed along with your Kindle Vella serials. Build a following with your serial fantasy fiction, and have a ready audience when your novel comes out.
Read more at Kindle Vella
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