Nothing like speaking too soon. All appearing in red turned out to be untrue. Sorry.
Kindle Unlimited is Amazon’s book borrowing system. For $10 a month, anyone in the US can join Kindle Unlimited and download magazines, books, and Audiobooks enrolled in Kindle Unlimited.
To enroll a book in Kindle Unlimited, the book must be part of Kindle Select. Enrolling a book in Kindle Select gives Amazon a 90 day exclusive on the Kindle edition of the book. Kindle Select does not prevent the author/publisher from offering a print edition of the book.
I enrolled Members of the Cast in Kindle Select and Kindle Unlimited. Since publishing, 4,056 pages of Members of the Cast have been read since March 3, 2021.
I was under the impression that if I did not renew Kindle Select Members of the Cast would also be removed from the Kindle Unlimited program, and yet, it remains an option for readers.
The Next Day Became
Was Amazon just slow to remove Members of the Cast? Do they not remove it if someone has it checked out? Hard to know. I can’t say I am displeased. 232 pages have been read this month worth a whopping $1.04. Even at the lower royalty paid for a Kindle Unlimited book, I hope readers like the book and tell their friends.
In the 100 or so days Members of the Cast has been available, folks have either been “borrowing the book” or purchasing it outright. Rare are the days when Members of the Cast generated no royalty. Today, someone has read 102 pages.
(For anyone thinking of quitting their job and self-publishing a book—I would be in the poor house if I depended on royalties.)
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