Do public book talks help sales?

Members of the Cast has been out six months. To be honest, sales started with a bang and have tapered off in the months to come. Unless sales pick up, September will be the weakest month. The flash in March was due to the book launch and my “platform.”

In this discussion, all book sales mentioned are from Amazon or other vendors; I don’t sell books in person. California Franchise Tax Board (the Board of Equalization) is sort of picky. I sold software for years and had to charge state tax and county tax for where the software was purchased. When the grade book was done, I vowed to never sell anything that would require me to collect tax.

My first book talk was done in July, in person, to about fifteen people. Most in attendance knew about the book and some had read the book. Sales after the talk were steady, but it is hard to tell how many sales were created by my dazzling presentation. (One couple thanked me twice.)

Book talk number two was done in September, in person. There were 31 people in the room. I signed some books after the talk.

Book talk number three was presented via Zoom to Gold Country Writers. The topic was self-publishing through Kindle Direct Publishing, but I did give a book pitch at the end. Amazon did not notify me that their presses were overheating.

My next talk will be via Zoom to GMC Motorhomes International in Wisconsin. Members of the Cast has been mentioned in the rally information. I know several there have read the book, and perhaps we will see a spike after the talk. My friend who is handling the Zoom meeting in Wisconsin told me he and his wife have been holding up my book and talking to rally participants.

The next talk will be in October, in person. I know one couple bought five copies for their grandchildren. Their purchase was a result of reading about the upcoming talk. It was nice that they called and told me of their plans.

During the writing of this article, I got an e-mail wondering if I would like to do a Zoom book talk to a book club. They are getting back to me. In the writing/publishing world, everything moves sloooooly.

So, do book talks help? Of course, but I wouldn’t say my efforts have sold thousands of books.

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I spent my life teaching 6th graders. We have always been involved in church. Now I spend my days in an old stone house, wandering our four acres, and writing.