Members of the Cast made its debut on March 3, 2021. Like many debuts, March was a good month. But what about March, a year later? I studied my trusty sales spreadsheet and found that this year’s March sales were about 11% of the debut month.

The sales numbers tell me that my book launch techniques were successful. My Getting Noticed blog explains how my book launch was handled.

Book launches have an upside and a downside. Notices went out to friends in email, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and many purchased copies. The problem is that I only have so many friends. Granted, purchases went well beyond my expectations, but by May of 2021, sales leveled off. They remained stable for most of the year. People I didn’t know were buying Members of the Cast.

Fellow indie authors have reported similar results. This leads us all to ponder, how do we reach a larger crowd? For this, I have no answer. I help other authors and I am sure this spreads the word about me on Twitter. I recently refined my search criteria, and that may have boosted sales this March. Kindle Unlimited sales have increased by a third—folks who try my book for “free” and keep reading.

Below are two graphs, showing what formats are selling.

Through March 25, 2021

There are no Hardcover books listed in March of 2021 because hardcover books were not a part of Kindle Direct Publishing at that time.

March 2022

It is interesting how Kindle Unlimited has grown to 25% of this year’s sales, and someone is reading today

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I spent my life teaching 6th graders. We have always been involved in church. Now I spend my days in an old stone house, wandering our four acres, and writing.