I know I’m in the minority about the time change. In Whitney & Freddy a Boyfriend Dilemma, Whitney and Freddy joke about the time change.

I want to give credit to our friend Bill Vicker. In a boring teacher’s meeting, they were trying to decide whether the curfew for the girls’ dorm should be 5 PM or sundown. This was an administrative decision, but teachers were being asked to weigh in—and time dragged on. Bill remarked, “You have to remember it gets darker earlier than it stays lighter later longer.” (Or something. He always said I got it wrong, and this was over 50 years ago.)

Concerning the school year, he was absolutely correct, and the amusing tongue twister brought the meeting to a close.

I don’t like moving away from Standard Time so soon. Why should I get up if the Sun hasn’t bothered to get up? If we change to Daylight Savings Time year-round, it will be coming up in the dark!

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I spent my life teaching 6th graders. We have always been involved in church. Now I spend my days in an old stone house, wandering our four acres, and writing.