In November 2015, our son Matthew sent an email: “Dad, why don’t you write something?”

I dusted off an old manuscript I started in the 70s (written on a typewriter). It is a young adult book titled Members of the Cast (MOTC).

Cover by Abigail Silver

I finished writing the book and rewrote the opening seventy-nine times. MOTC was originally written in third-person. I changed it to first person, and that broke everything—but I got to know Maggie better. After several rewrites and rejections, I switched it back to the third-person with a literary feel. I have lost track of how many times I have written the opening.

Am I any good? Who knows? MOTC was rejected by some of the finest agents in the business. *smile*

Members of the Cast was released on March 3, 2021. It is clean, wholesome, poignant, funny, and receiving wonderful reviews.

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Members of the Cast is also available as an audiobook.

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Abigail Silver crafted the cover and wrote a lovely review: Members of the Cast by George Beckman is a trip back in time that will leave you with a renewed faith in humanity. The full review.

About Members of the Cast

In 1959, Margo’s parents break their promise, leaving her behind for another archaeological dig. She is sent to California to spend her junior year with a great uncle she’s only met once. Her parent’s interests remain buried in ancient ruins, but Margo begins to discover herself beneath a lifetime of family secrets. For the first time, she has a close circle of friends, a budding romance, and an academic future. A struggle between herself, the past, and her parents test all she has learned.

MOTC- Swing Trousers

MOTC- Movie Premier

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