Short Books

There is always something to be learned about self-publishing on Kindle Direct Publishing. I am publishing a chapbook of poetry that has been languishing for years. The booklet is not…

Vacation Exhaustion

If you are not interested in the Expansion-Compression theory of vacations and related new findings, don’t read this. Everyone knows that a short week is always longer than a regular…

Historical Voice

Writing a historical novel requires research. Writing Members of the Cast taught me a great deal about the clothing and music of the 1950s. Being in grammar school during those…


I’m vain. There, I’ve said it. I’m vain—even in my writing. My vanity hates to hear me admit I am vain. My vanity is not so much about looks, although…

50 Words

Agent Jennifer March Soloway (@marchsoloway) retweeted Tammi Sauer’s (@SauerTammi) tweet: When it comes to pbs, if you don’t hook an agent, editor, or reader by word 50, chances are you…

Circle Life

We all are busy, so I will limit my remarks to extra annoying interferences keeping me from writing. Goal: Complete The Ship from Wolfskill this fall. Writing Event: A beta-reader…


A Short Story that will Need Hours of Cleanup Prolog Man Selling Us Graestone: The basement doesn’t leak. George, for ten years: The basement doesn’t leak! Gutters The gutters around…