
You are invited to #LineByLineTime, A Mini-Critique Hour hosted by @graestonewriter on Twitter. The group meets Wednesdays at 9 pm Eastern.

In the movie Gore Vidal’s Lincoln, the president “runs the lines” of The Gettysburg Address with his aides, saying, “I have a short short short speech, which I will try out on the chickens, as the farmer said.”

(Marvelous, powerful movie that has haunted me all these years.)

Each week #LineByLineTime writers share lines, 280 words or less, from a WIP. (Try it out on the chickens, as the farmer said.)

During the hour, there will be a focus question, a chance to share, thirty-five minutes for critique, and a time for “Best in Show.” You will find #LineByLineTime’s Mini-Critique Hour participants to be positive and encouraging.

This passage is from Members of the Cast, a coming-of-age historical novel set in 1959. In this scene, on her first day at the new school, “the most beautiful boy Margo had ever seen” shows her the campus. This is her 5th high school transfer.

Harlow Kelly is an excellent writer. I convinced her to make a list of words that are unnecessary in good writing. Using this guide will clean up many problems. Warning—this cut 2000 words out of one of my WIPs, and the reader won’t miss them a bit!

Harlow’s Useless Word List

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