In 1958 my mother, Delores Beckman, sold a short humor piece to The American Home magazine for seventy-five dollars. My friend Richard and I were excited and declared we wanted to be writers.


Delores wrote for confession magazines for years. When confessions began to delay payment until the magazine hit the rack, she wrote for children. Her first book, My Own Private Sky (Dutton), won the International Reading Association’s Book of the Year award in 1981. Sky, as she called it, went into three printings. Her second book Who Loves Sam Grant? (Dutton), was written for young adults and appeared in hardcover and paperback. Delores titled the book, The Boy In The Wings. Alas, Who Loves Sam Grant was the title chosen for the market at that time. (Amazon Books)

Both our children write, and our daughter Rachel sold her debut book, Praying with Jane: 31 Days through the Prayers of Jane Austen, to Bethany House in the fall of 2017. Praying With Jane, Amazon Her second book is The Anne of Green Gables Devotional. Her third offering is the The Little Women Devotional.

Matthew has a piece of flash fiction published in 365Tomorrows and several WIPs that are very promising.

In November 2015, Matthew, sent an email: “Dad, why don’t you write something?” Since then, I have published four novels and one chapbook of poetry: Books

I host #LineByLineTime, a Mini-Critique hour on Twitter giving writers a chance to try out their work.

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