This is the second article about using Amazon ads. The first article will help understand how the ads work.

After running the Members of the Cast ad for a week, the results are not what an author hopes. Amazon Ad Campaigns shows that I have spent $49.22 to sell four books with a royalty of $15.96. (I have sold other copies, but Ad Campaigns only credit purchases arrived upon by clicking my ad.)

The image below shows that sales are from customers searching for the exact words “historical fiction” or “historical fiction” in a phrase. While the sample is small, I felt I had enough information to adjust my bid offers.

I raised the bid for historical fiction searches, giving the ad a better chance of being on top. Conversely, when teen books sucked $25 out of my profits, I lowered the offer for those searches. Because Members of the Cast is not a fantasy or RomCom, I am assuming my book is not what the average “teen books” searcher wants.

Sorry About the Migitity Writing

Analysis also shows that all four books were Kindle books. Almost 75% of all sales have been print copies. The ad campaign seems to draw Kindle readers. 249 pages have been read from a Kindle Unlimited copy, and that “book” may be credited to a click later.


Analysis of the numbers can help guide what you are willing to offer. This next image shows what the prospective customer typed to trigger a keyword or phrase. The chart shows 6 of the 38 total clicks for the campaign.

It is worth mentioning that Ad costs are taken out of your account separately from royalties. Ad money may be taken from your bank before royalties are deposited.

Link to Members of the Cast

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I spent my life teaching 6th graders. We have always been involved in church. Now I spend my days in an old stone house, wandering our four acres, and writing.