August 12, 2023, is the Launch Date for Airships from the North. A Saturday may not be the best launch date, but I thought of my mother, Delores Beckman. She was born on August 12, 1914…so long ago. She passed away in 1994.

Delores on the phone

Delores was a writer, so I chose the 12th as a nod to her influence on meā€”both in writing and life. I have written about her before, and A Family of Writers will tell you a little about her and her writing.

For those of you putting off finishing “that book,” I offer this: Buckeye Girl. When going through her writing, I was saddened that there was so little of Buckeye Girl. There may be more, but when searching reams and reams of paper, I tell myself I may have missed some chapters.

It would be great to call her and talk about Airships from the North and the books I’m sure she would have completed if disease hadn’t robbed her of that chance. She loved to talk about writing.

(In the picture, she is in the laundry room when they first moved to Arizona. They soon installed other phones.)

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I spent my life teaching 6th graders. We have always been involved in church. Now I spend my days in an old stone house, wandering our four acres, and writing.