This afternoon, I set up the paperback version of Whitney & Freddy a Boyfriend Dilemma with Draft2Digital (D2D) in about thirty minutes, and it looks perfect. When a manuscript is formatted properly during the entire writing process, the preparation for the print version is only a click or two away. (I did prepare a wraparound cover beforehand. That’s two zillion hours I won’t get back.)
I’m using D2D and Kindle Direct Publishing for the paperback version only. I find keeping the ebook exclusive with Amazon a benefit because it allows for Kindle Unlimited pages to be read. I don’t get rich, but 35,900+ pages makes me happy.
Steps to make publishing simple:
- Use KDP’s template for Word. Write every word in the template. (I use LibreOffice, a Word clone, and I donate.
- Save the polished book as a PDF file.
- Go to Amazon or Draft2Digital and upload the file. Keep your keywords and back blurb handy.
The KDP templates are found Here.
Formatting Help
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